All In The Campaign for Blair Academy 2018-2025
Ali Thome Romano Gallery 2024
ali thome headshot
‘It’s Supposed to Be Funny’ Opens the Romano Gallery
Ashley Taube

It’s Supposed to Be Funny is a group of predominantly digital works encompassing a wide scope of artist Ali R. Thome’s portfolio from her years as a freelance illustrator. Many pieces were created for her own personal enjoyment, inspired by thoughts, stories, obsessions with a celebrity or movie, or simply because she needed to draw an idea to get it out into the world. In this exhibit, open August 29 to September 27, Ali will also share some of her work as an illustrator and animator on the YouTube channel Extra History

“I love that my art allows me to be silly,” Ali shares. “If it makes viewers chuckle, that’s a bonus.”

Ali is a freelance artist from central Pennsylvania. After traveling the United States drawing caricatures at all sorts of fairs and festivals for the past five years, she has settled into a full-time position as an illustrator and animator for the Extra History YouTube channel. Through her illustrations, Ali strives to tell stories that juxtapose the whimsical with the odd. When she’s not drawing, Ali enjoys watching scary movies, playing Pokémon and rollerskating, all sources of inspiration for her work.

“I’m the type of person who doesn’t take anything too seriously,” Ali explains. “There’s always a joke or something playful, even in the darkest of places. If I can put a smile on your face, I consider it a job well done.” 

Ali’s limited-color pieces explore dark themes with a sense of whimsy and fun. Her caricatures follow that same principle: “It’s not serious, It’s Supposed to Be Funny.” Ali believes her work has only benefited from this attitude, allowing her to take a subject as serious as a historical figure and inject levity, inviting the viewer to connect.

Ali will visit Blair on Thursday, September 19, to discuss her career and work with the Blair community at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. It’s Supposed to Be Funny will be on display in the Romano Gallery August 29 to September 27.

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