All In The Campaign for Blair Academy 2018-2025
New Phone Numbers at Blair
Joanne Miceli

With a new phone system now in place, several phone numbers at Blair have changed. Please visit our online directory for the direct-dial number and/or four-digit extension of all Blair faculty and staff members.

For faculty and staff members with new direct-dial numbers, note that the last four digits of the direct-dial number also serve as his or her extension if you call the School’s main number. For example, Director of Technology Sam Adams can be reached by dialing direct (908) 362-2000 or by dialing (908) 362-6121, ext. 2000.

The School’s main number remains the same at (908) 362-6121. If you need assistance, please dial the main number, and, as always, we will be happy to direct your call.

News Headlines

A student poses for a photo with her parents during Family Weekend 2022.

The hilltop was flooded with love as Blair Academy welcomed grandparents near and far to campus for the annual Grandparents’ Day event. Students cherished the opportunity to share special moments with their loved ones, welcoming them into the community they have built at the School and sharing a glimpse of their everyday lives. 

Read More about Blair Embraces Grandparents' Day