All In The Campaign for Blair Academy 2018-2025


See Yourself Here

Paint your face for Soccerfest

paint your face

Go to Humpty's for a milkshake with your advisor


Compete in the Fall Run

Slide down the soap slide on Super Sunday

Learn from an Expert in the Chiang-Elghanayan Center

davinci robot in cecic

Build a boat for the Kon-Tiki contest

blair lake boat race

Eat breakfast at the Blairstown Diner

Blairstown Diner

Lead your team to victory during Headmasters' Societies Games

Sing karaoke during International Weekend

Dunk the Head of School on Super Sunday

dunk tank 23

Babysit a faculty child


Submit a film for the Blair Academy Film Festival

film class

Play the entire frisbee golf course

Student throws a frisbee on Hardwick lawn

Be hypnotized during a weekend activitiy

the mentalist visits Blair

Give a Chapel speech

Make an announcement at School Meeting

Participate in a snowball fight in the Bowl

2024 snowball fight

Attend a senior seminar

students present seminar

Attend all Society of Skeptics lectures

The Chiang-Elghanayan Center for Innovation and Collaboration

Be a tour guide

2019 tour guides

Attend the Peddie Week Bonfire

peddie bonfire

Start a new club

asian culinary club

Participate in Blair's Day of Service

Play all nine holes on Blair's Golf Course

Attend the trip to NYC for the San Gennaro Festival

san gennaro 2024

Complete the Airport Run on the Paulinskill Trail

a Blair runner runs the cross country course.

Perform or watch a production in the outdoor theatre

outdoor theatre

Design something in the maker space

Take a trip to see a Broadway show

Be a table foot

table feet

Film a Blair Leadership Story

Rhonda Anthony films a student's leadership story.

Make it to the final round of the annual winter tag game

the game

Beat the faculty in volleyball

Audition for a play or musical

footloose emma & julian

Perform in the Headmasters' Societies Games talent show

Attend a Romano Gallery art exhibit opening

Storm Sharpe House

storm sharpe

Perform in a Blair concert

jazz fall concert piano

Win the Sophomore Public Speaking Contest

speech contest Arturo

Have lunch at Gourmet Gallery

Gourmet Gallery

Enjoy a lazy Sunday at the Siegel Property lake

Siegel property sign

Ask a question at a Society of Skeptics lecture

skeptics question


Play broomball

Participate in the Crew Triathlon

Host a grill and chill

peddie tailgate

Hang out under the magnolia tree

magnolia in bloom

Have dinner at a teacher's house


Eat a breakfast sandwich from The Doghouse

Know each faculty dog on campus by name