Students are expected to dress in a way that respects the standards and academic purposes of the School. Clothing must be neat, clean and in good repair. Footwear is required at all times. The School may make exceptions to the dress code in accordance with sincerely held religious tenets. Students who are out of dress code shall be sent back to their dormitory to change and will receive a tardy mark for their class or meeting attendance.
Class Dress
Respect for the collective academic endeavor and respect for all community members and the School includes attending to appearance. From 7:45 a.m. until the conclusion of the class day when in the dining room and all academic buildings, the following dress code applies:
• Shirts/tops: Collared shirts, tailored blouses, turtlenecks or sweaters that cover the front and back of your torso. Sweatshirts can be worn over an approved top. T-shirts may only be worn with another approved article of clothing (e.g., a vest, sweater or scarf). Sleeveless blouses are acceptable.
• Pants: Khakis, denim jeans without holes or tears or trousers.
• Shorts: must have pockets and be fingertip length or longer. (Shorts are permitted up until October 1 and after April 15.)
• Dresses and skirts: must be fingertip length or longer.
• Hats, caps and hoods must be removed in classroom buildings, in the theater, the library and dining facilities, except in accordance with sincerely held religious tenets.
• Team members may wear parts of their game uniforms to classes on game days with the approval of their coaches.
Formal Dress
On certain occasions, more formal attire is required. Choice of formal dress should be sincere and consistent with the significance of the occasion. For certain family-style dinners and other formal School functions, the following formal dress code applies:
• Sports coat or suit, dress shirt with tie and long trousers.
• More formal dresses, finger-tip length or longer.
• Skirt or dress pants, a blouse or sweater, or blazer.
• Dress shoes, clean sneakers or dress sandals (no flip-flops or slides).
• Any comparable cultural attire.
Items That Do Not Meet Class Dress, Formal Dress, or Dress Down Days
• Any clothing that exposes undergarments.
• Clothing which advertises tobacco, alcohol, or drug products, or which contains inappropriate or vulgar messages.
• Clothing which depicts hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups.
Note: Pajamas, flannel pants, sweatpants and athletic attire may be worn on Dress Down Days and outside of the times and occasions defined above.