All In The Campaign for Blair Academy 2018-2025

Parent Tips

Welcome to Blair! 

As a new Blair parent, we know this is a very exciting and busy time, and you probably have many questions as you prepare for your child to arrive at Blair this fall. The guide linked below contains a great deal of useful information, but there are likely questions we have not anticipated, as well as questions that a booklet cannot answer. We welcome your direct outreach…always. 

We are grateful that you have decided to share your child with us. We view our role as that of a partner in the work of “raising” them. As you will hopefully come to expect, we very much wish to keep communication lines open and well traveled. This booklet is merely the beginning of that relationship, and we hope it is a helpful first step. 

Warmest regards, 

Ryan M. Pagotto ’97 
Associate Head of School 

Anna Andrasek 
Director of Parent Engagement 

First page of the PDF file: 2024-2025_NewParentTipsGuide_web