All In The Campaign for Blair Academy 2018-2025
art class CECIC
Students create art in the third-floor art studio.
gina trish classroom
A family admires work at the student art exhibit.
Tyson Trish teaches a photography class.

2D Art

Blair's fine-arts teachers and students are all really engaged and enthusiastic, which makes the learning experience especially positive and productive. Teachers know us as more than just art students in the classroom, and that creates a deeper and more enriching learning environment. Faculty members want us to succeed and become our best selves in preparation for the real world—their genuine care makes the atmosphere supportive and welcoming.

Nancy, north carolina

Students who wish to explore two-dimensional art may choose from among a wide variety of courses at Blair. Drawing, painting, and both film and digital photography are offered from introductory to advanced levels, while courses in architecture and graphic arts open doors to hands-on problem solving and principles of good design for beginner and more-advanced students. Blair’s intriguing video studies classes cover the fundamentals of filmmaking and hand-drawn animation and give students the opportunity to produce original documentaries, fiction films and animated works.

Blair’s fine arts classrooms and studios are housed in the centrally located Chiang-Elghanayan Center for Innovation and Collaboration. In this dynamic new building, open, light-filled studios, two fully equipped media labs, glass-walled classrooms and flexible workspaces facilitate coursework in the fine arts and inspire extracurricular projects and artistic exploration by all members of the School community.

Student artwork is also celebrated at Blair: Paintings, drawings, photos and ceramics are displayed year-round throughout campus, while the Annual Student Art Show in Armstrong-Hipkins Center for the Arts’ Romano Gallery is a “must see” spring event. Student-produced videos are shown regularly at School meeting, while the year’s best films are screened at the spring film festival.

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